Marine Communications Limited
Tel. +44 (0)1453 873399 Fax. +44 (0)1453 873344
Marinex Digital Support

Marinex Digital User Manual V2.xx (850KB)
The user manual for Marinex Digital in PDF.

Marinex Digital configurAID V2.21.0
Updated: 29 June 2006

To install configurAID, copy the file to you hard disk and then run the file.
An installer program will appear.

mnxd_confAID.exe (4.3MB)

A pdf manual for configurAID is available - configurAID.pdf 

Marinex Digital firmware V2.34
Updated: 29 June 2006

There are two version of the firmware for 1 or 2 rack systems..

Single Rack 6U systems (up to 160 extensions) (156K)

Two Rack 12U systems (from 160 to 320 extensions) (156K)